New users:

If you have received the Modal Amplified system as an "Add-On", it was not purchased at the same time that you purchased the Iris M™, you will have to identify the DAQ components for the computer to recognize them. Those instructions are found in this article: Do I need to do anything special to use my Modal Amplified™ System for the first time?

Additional users on the same device:

Since the License will support multiple users on the same device, if you add different users to the Acquisition Device, each user will have to name DAQ parts within their own account. Please use the instructions in this article to configure the new user: Do I need to do anything special to use my Modal Amplified™ System for the first time?

Troubleshooting the "No hardware detected" message.

Hardware found but Unusable:

In this case, check the naming of the Hardware again. Check to make sure that the 9174 is named "cDAQ1" we have seen cases where the hardware gets identified as a second unit. In this case, it seems like the 9174 will get renumbered "cDAQ2" and it does not work correctly.

Similarly, the 9230 card should be named (AI1) as in A (Alpha) I (India) 1 (one). If it is named A (Alpha) 1 (one) 1 (one) it will not be recognized correctly. This is the Analog Input.

The 9402 card should be named (DIO1) as in D (Delta) I (India) O (Oscar) 1 (one). If any of the first three characters are entered as numbers, the card will not be recognized correctly. This is the Digital Input/Output.

If you have purchased the "Shaker" Option, you will have a 9260 DAQ card and that should be named (AO1) as in A (Alpha) O (Oscar) 1 (one). If it is named A (Alpha) 0 (zero) 1 (one) it will not be recognized correctly. This is the Analog Output.

Internally disconnected USB Cable:

The USB connection inside the Modal Amplified hardware case may become disconnected from the coupler. Please remove the 10 front panel retention screws and gently raise the front panel out of the case.

After the back of the panel is accessible, check the connection to the bottom of the USB coupler. Make sure that the USB cable is firmly seated in the back half of the coupler.

Confirm that the hardware can be detected by the software and reassemble the Modal Amplified unit in reverse order.

Unseated DAQ component:

An Individual DAQ module could become loose in the chassis. Check this especially after Shaker Card installation or "rough handling".

Please remove the 10 front panel retention screws and gently raise the front panel out of the case.

With the front panel out of the way, check that the clips of each of the DAQ modules is firmly seated. There is a connector on the top and the bottom of the module. The chassis is only velcroed to the back of the case. It can be removed if access to the bottom connector is not easy.

Reseat one or all of the DAQ modules, test the connection with the hardware and reassemble in reverse.

Related Articles:

How many users will the software license support?

Do I need to do anything special to use my Modal Amplified™ System for the first time?