Your Iris M™ Acquisition System is delivered with a USB Memory Stick with an RDI Technologies™ logo. On that stick you will find the licenses issued with your system. The same files have been copied to the "Downloads" folder and the Desktop on the Acquisition System. The License file will typically be identified by your company name and may also include a contact name from your company. The file will be in a Text format. See the "Typical Files on USB Stick" figure below.

Typical Files on USB Stick:

If you cannot find your License details, please contact Support by emailing any one of the details from your system - Acquisition Device Serial Number, Camera Serial Number, 6mm Lens Serial Number OR 100mm Lens Serial Number - to [email protected] and we can supply them to you.

After you open the text file, you will see that there are two licenses delivered with your Iris M Acquisition System. ("Typical License File" figure below.) The first, which is preinstalled in the system before delivery, is the "Full" or "Acquisition System" license which will activate the RDI Acquisition, Motion Amplification®, Motion Studio and Motion Explorer software. (For the difference between these see this article: RDI Technologies™ Acquisition Software vs. RDI Motion Amplification® Software vs. RDI Motion Explorer Software vs. RDI Motion Studio Software vs. Motion Monitor Software) This license is already active when you receive your system. You should see the four different icons associated with the RDI Acquisition, Motion Amplification®, Motion Studio and Motion Explorer software on your desktop when you first boot up the system.

Typical License File:

The second license will be identified as "SA" or Stand Alone or "Analysis Only". These three labels are all the same. This license is used to activate the Motion Amplification®, Motion Studio, and Motion Explorer software on a second analysis computer. When prompted, enter the license information into the license screen and select "Activate a license or renewal" as shown in the figure below.

License Activation Window:

When Activating either license associated with the Motion Amplification Iris M System, Acquisition or Analysis Only as described above, please use the top selection shown on this window:

Related articles:

On how many computers may I install the RDI Technologies™ Iris M™ software?

What are the minimum computer requirements for installation of the Stand Alone Analysis Software?